From the Farm to Bobbium: Stefano's Story

Dall'azienda agricola a Bobbium: la storia di Stefano

Stefano has always had an innate passion for the land, rooted in a family legacy that dates back to his grandparents, farmers in the 60s. After graduating in agriculture, with a focus on oenology at the University of Turin in 2014, spending two years at the University of Bordeaux during his studies, Stefano decided to give life to a dream that has its roots in family tradition.

In 2019, inspired by the idea that people, in search of a better quality of life, were returning from the cities to the mountains, Stefano opened his farm. His mission was clear: to enhance the value of family land and respond to the growing scarcity of snails, a typical product of the Bobbio area. Snail farming thus became not only an economic activity, but a way to keep the traditions of the past alive in a modern key.
With about 2000 square meters of land, Stefano dedicates a part to snail farming, an organic and sustainable activity, carried out entirely by hand, while developing part of the land for the cultivation of lavender and olive trees. The first market responses are encouraging, and the company begins to make itself known, even by starred restaurants to which it becomes a supplier.

2020 brings with it the Covid-19 pandemic, an event that slows down Stefano's projects, including those related to the cultivation of lavender and olive trees. However, this forced break offers him a new awareness: freedom and quality of life are found in a natural context, far from the stress of the city.
Taking advantage of the time available, Stefano improves his snail farming, exploring applications in both cosmetics and food. With determination, he continues his vision of a sustainable farm.

In 2022, Stefano finally begins to dedicate himself to growing lavender. This choice is not only aesthetic, but aims to contribute to local biodiversity, favoring the presence of bees and pollinators. With over 7,000 plants, Stefano wants to beautify the area and promote a healthy ecosystem. Lavender, in addition to being used in events and weddings, becomes a key element for social initiatives, such as charity dinners and therapeutic courses for autistic children, which Stefano creates together with the Piacenza in Blu association, putting the commitment of the farm at the service of his community.

In 2023, Stefano began planting olive trees, which for him are a symbol of resilience and adaptation to climate change.
The farm is therefore made up of all the elements that Stefano had always imagined and thanks to a wise use of tradition and agricultural knowledge, it manages to exploit the new climatic conditions, continuing to promote a balance between man and nature.

In 2024, a chance meeting with Maurizio, a long-time friend, marks a new chapter for Stefano and his company. Together, they decide to create Bobbium, a brand that goes beyond the sale of agricultural products. The goal is to develop a project that enhances the territory of Bobbio, embracing the principles of sustainability and the One Health ” approach (click here to learn more).
Bobbium begins to produce semi-finished and finished products, such as snail slime-based cosmetics and a lavender-scented artisanal gin, almost an innovation in the Italian panorama. Stefano's recipe enhances all the olfactory and gustatory characteristics of lavender, aiming to conquer even the youngest and most modern public.

Looking to the future, Stefano's farm plans to organize immersive experiences to introduce the territory and its products, from cosmetics to "gentle" gin (as Stefano likes to call it), passing through olive oil and fragrant lavender. The Bobbium brand is not just a company; it is a vision that celebrates the beauty of origins and the power of nature, inviting everyone to return to their roots, between mountains and countryside.
Stefano, with his vision and commitment, continues to chart an innovative path, transforming climate change into an opportunity and creating a deep connection between the community and the land. His story is a shining example of how passion, tradition and innovation can coexist in harmony.

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Bobbium e l'approccio One Health (WHO - World Health Organization)

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